Cancellation of

Voter Registration

 Key Focus of this Page

The idea of this is to not only remove yourself from an element of residency but to also provide the silent majority an opportunity to speak out. You may ask who are the silent majority are but if you find yourself on this webpage and you plan on removing yourself from being registered to vote then you will be joining the ranks of the silent majority. You will be giving up your right to vote and if you do not have a drivers license then you will also not be asked to sit on either a petite or grand jury.

The “main stream medium”, aka MSM, hasn’t stopped their campaign to get you to participate in the farce we call election day and we all know that the frenzy will ramp up with people accosting you outside stores asking you to register to vote or who are you going to vote for. What I am asking is that if you are registered to vote then cancel your registration and even if you are not registered to vote I am still asking that you have your voice heard this election and state why you are not registered to vote. I am asking that instead of passively allowing this next election to pass you by that you instead actively opt out and let your opinion as to why you do not vote be known. In other word let the fact that you do not buy into the bullshit be counted.

Now I am going to ask you to think: did the 56 people that signed the Declaration of Independence and the 38 people that signed the Constitution for the United States represent your best interests? Logically, we are all told to value diversity yet we have just 435 members of congress representing 300 million and they need an army of about 8% of the adult population which are employed by the federal government to go out and about messing with our lives, generating revenue and conspiring against the rest of us and protecting the interests of those 435 members of congress and more importantly, congress’ puppet masters. While the Declaration of Independence and even the Constitution are well written documents do you seriously think the people that wrote those documents and the people who hold the offices of today proclaiming their authority by such writings actually had or have your best interests at heart. Because that is what you are saying when you vote for your masters. It is all about the Consent of the Governed, they need your consent; and registering and participating in this farce is one way they obtain your consent. That’s why they make such a big deal over the elections. It is no more than a dog and pony show to keep you occupied and to get your support.

According to a report put out by the Pew Research Center in 2006: Roughly a third (35%) of the adult population vote regularly. Another 20% of the adult population are considered intermittent voters.

As we all know elections are pretty close so we are looking at an approximate 50/50 split between democrats and republicans. In other words approximately 25% of the people vote republican, 25% vote democrat, and about 50% do not participate – we are the silent majority. However, we need to make the statement that our non-participation is intentional and a conscientious decision that we don’t want masters, we do not consent to being governed!

Here are some of the reasons why people vote or don’t vote:

  • Many of us believe that voting is an act of violence - it polarizes people and creates divisions. When we should all be working together on common causes.

  • Many of us believe that our vote doesn’t count –Researchers at Princeton University looked at 20 years of data to answer one question: Does the Government represent the people? What they concluded was “the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule near zero statistically non-significant impact upon public policy”. So if you think your vote does not count then you are absolutely correct. In fact if your vote did count you can be sure that voting would be illegal.

  • Many of us believe that government is too big, its real purpose is only to secure individuals in their rights to life, liberty, and property. That without such security men are reduced to a primitive life of fear and self-defense, with every neighbor a potential enemy ready to plunder what another has produced. But the consequences of elections merely creates a state of legal plunder with the political legitimization of theft and the breakdown of morality through the blurring of the distinction between right and wrong—You can read more about legal plunder in The Law by Frederick Bastiat, written in 1850. A good example of this is between 2010 and 2015 the top 200 politically active companies spent 5.8 billion dollars influencing the “government”. Those same companies got 4.4 trillion dollars back in US tax dollars. Let’s not forget all the foreclosures that the injured tax payers were forced to bail out, thanks to their so called representatives.

  • Some people actually vote not because they like a particular candidate but because they really don’t want a particular person in, this is still a trick to get you to participate – In regards to the last election a Reuters/Ipsos online poll found that 46% of voters who would support Clinton in a head-to-head matchup against Trump say they are primarily backing her because they don’t want to see the business mogul become President, compared to 43% who say they agree with most of Clinton’s political positions. Similarly, 47% of voters who plan to back Trump say they’re doing so because they don’t want Clinton in the White House, compared to 40% who agree with most of Trump’s positions. In other words Trump got in because more people didn’t like Clinton. That is not a good reason to consent to a master.

  • For those of us that do not support bombing in other countries or acts of terrorism at home or abroad it is imperative that you remove your voters registration as it is a violation of international law to consent or cooperate with any government which produces, possesses or uses nuclear weapons. International law imposes a duty upon individual citizens to disassociate themselves from violations of such law. Under the Nuremberg Charter, it is no defense to claim one was merely following orders. Nuremberg Charter, supra, Art. 7. Individual responsibility attaches if “a moral choice was possible”. Your participation is a choice.

  • The United States is a corporation, you can find this at title 28 Sec 3002 (15)(a)(2) which states that the United States is a federal corporation and was created under the act of 1871 without the consent of the people – if one participates in a corporate election then you are consenting to the de facto government.

  • No masters – when you vote you are literally choosing to have someone represent your best interests when no one can represent your interests better than you.

  • Some people believe that the law has been perverted along with the police powers of the state. That voting consents to this perversion. It is pretty obvious when you look around you can see that the law has been turned from its proper purpose and that the police are nothing but policy enforcers and revenue collection agents.

  • Some people do not participate because it clips their sovereignty. In speaking about America the sovereignty is in the People: “at the Revolution, the sovereignty devolved on the People; and they are truly the sovereigns of the country, but they are sovereigns without subjects and have none to govern but themselves; the Citizens of America are equal as fellow Citizens, and as joint tenants in the Sovereignty”. (Chisholm v. Georgia, 2 Dallas (U. S.) 419 @ 469, 1 L. Ed. 440 (A. D. 1793). By participating in elections you are consenting to being governed.

So you can see there are a number of reasons why many of us don’t vote. The decision to not participate in such a farce is a conscientious one. Because non-voters do not actively participate it is often claimed that we forgot to vote or we were too lazy or apathetic and you cannot imagine the violent reactions we get from those who vote regularly and believe that every one should! If they added an option on the ballot that said “I am not falling for this bullshit” then I would be first in line to cast that ballot. 


If you are one of the silent majority that does not vote all we want to do is to help you make the reason that you do not vote clear. If you are one of those who vote intermittently or you have always felt that there is something wrong then we want to help you to object and actively not participate by cancelling your voter registration or just letting your Secretary of State know that you do not consent, that you have no faith in anyone representing your best interests. This is more important now than ever before, as of October 9, 2018, 8 states and the District of Columbia provide automatic registration when citizens interact with state agencies such as the Department of Motor Vehicles, along with 4 other states that have passed legislation to create automatic registration systems, but not yet implemented it. If you have been swooped up into this automatic registration then you need you to cancel your voter’s registration and make clear the reasons why you don’t intend vote.

The reality is 55% of the people are not regularly moved by this practice. Many of us just want to be left alone! They want to be self-governing, organize their own resources and work together to provide for our common needs and the common good. What the 435 members of congress and their 8% personnel want to do is to put their hands in our pockets and steal whatever we create and use it to further themselves and their agenda. I for one do not support such a system.

if you vote you have no right to complain, some people like to twist that around, they say if you don’t vote you don’t have a right to complain, but where is the logic in that? If you vote and you elect dishonest incompetent people and they get into office and screw everything up then you are responsible for what they have done, you caused the problem, you voted them in, you have no right to complain. It is time for the silent majority to stand up and complain!
— George Carlin

Not My President - I do Not Consent to Being Governed!

We at IDP have made a sample template available below that you can use to make your non-participation known for what it is, i.e. that you have no faith and no confidence in the status quo and that you are not consenting to being governed. We want the world to know that you did not forget and you are not lazy or apathetic but you believe that no one can represent your interests better than you can!

Additionally, we have made it easy for you to let the white house know your opinion simply copy the template and paste it into the following link: