About idpsolutions

The Concept of Internal Displacement

My discovery of my own internal displacement

Anyone who has studied the law from the standpoint of trying to protect their interests, particularly since the 2008 crash will have come to the conclusion that they have no remedy at law. As you watch the banks, the government agents meander a myriad of codes and statutes and go through the motions you begin to discover that none of the remedies you find in law actually apply to you. This is because the PERSON identified in the codes and the statutes is not you. They were not written for your benefit and only afford you a minuscule of opportunity to succeed. Often you will see the trust that exists in the written codes. This mostly applies to the “civil” codes. You will find characters who get substantial due process, justice and always seem to be getting something, some property, this is often called the “creditor”. They have a lesser burden of proof and can do almost anything to get back what they say they are owed. There are characters who are distrusted, they have a higher standard of proof to bear, these are often called debtors (this is where we usually find ourselves); and then there is this Dudley Do Right PERSON in the middle ensuring that the thing, the property is taken from the debtor and given to the creditor, for a small piece of the action.

A really good example of this is the foreclosure process, where the “lender” doesn’t even have to have the original note. To put this into perspective, let’s say I walk into a grocery store and pile up my shopping cart. I get to the teller and they ring up the goodies. Upon being asked for a sum certain, I say, well I lost my notes, but here I have a copy, and they say that will do nicely. I don’t think I need to go into any details on how ridiculous that is but when you consider that congress is heavily invested in real estate and banking I think that says it all! The unfairness written into the codes is substantial, all to take advantage of an unsuspecting Joe Public educated in the Public School program designed to churn out good slaves.

For me, this discovery began well before the crash of 2008 and was a result of a problem I had with the local trash company, around 1998. As a result of the law, I discovered that I didn’t have a problem with the trash company, I had a city problem, no, it was a county problem that turned out to be a state problem. Well actually there are all kinds of laws that were causing my problem, even international ones. In a nut shell, the city and the trash contractor conspired to contract against me. They decided that it was in my best interests that Burrtec Waste Management be given a contract for life, via its purchase of Fontana Rubbish Company in the 1960’s. This was before A.B. 939 was written. The contract between the city and the rubbish company provided that services were mandatory and payment for those services were guaranteed through the property tax scheme, even when mandatory services were not provided. I had no recourse because I was not a party to the contract. Trash put at the curb for collection is owned by the city, this was to stop people from going through other people’s trash receptacles; and a debt owed to the contractor is a debt owed to the city. So finally reading this after many years of agonizing communications with the contractor and the city all to no avail, being the big mouth I am I asked, why the F%$* am I paying the city to take away its own trash, I can drop off at city hall! Needless to say that meeting cost us an additional $2,000 that was added to our property taxes causing additional problems on the home front. So if you can imagine I was pissed off being charged some $300 for services not rendered, so as to ask for the meeting in the first place; you can pretty much guess that I was pretty pissed off having to pay an additional $2000 through my property taxes. Actually, I was depressed, I hid that property tax bill under my printer afraid that my Ex would find it! At that point I could not see let alone verbalize the displacement that had occurred. I was pretty surprised when I read the trash ordinance and discovered that the code did not apply to me, that my interests were not even mentioned; more importantly, I discovered that it did not say what the city said was written. I was so excited to tell Bob, the code enforcer that he was wrong thinking my problems would float away and now he could now go and help all those other poor families struggling like mine. My excitement turned to shock when Bob looked at me and I realized that he knew what he had been telling me was a lie and that he intended to cause my family injuries. He didn’t expect for one second that someone would actually go and read the darn code.

The continuing problems with the trash company and now code enforcement coupled with a neighbor problem, mounting property taxes caused irreparable injury to my family. In 2000 I persuaded my then husband to let me go to work and I got a good paying job and got us out of trouble, but the problems didn’t stop. Being a foreigner here and a mother of four I found myself at a huge disadvantage and really fell into despair because of my husband’s drinking, mental health issues and abuse, and I was forced to quit working around 2004. My driving license was coming up for renewal and I did not have the money to pay for the renewal. So thinking I could find a payment exemption in the code I read the California Vehicle Code. Understanding that each code section builds on the previous section I read from the beginning and to my shock I realized that the code did not apply to me. As I had not expected to discover this and was looking for something specific I had not highlighted any places so I had to go back and reread the code and this time take notes. It became clear that the only reason the code applied to me was that I walked into the Department of Motor Vehicles and asked for an application. Upon completing that application I was transformed from someone who had rights to that of a mere privileged person, the agent for the service of process, from resident, capable of accepting that contract to that of PERSON under the code. Just as I had with the city, I decided to write to various state actors (who, at that time I actually thought were Government), to validate my findings and confirm my understanding, and ultimately I got what I wanted. Both my car and my PERSON was removed from their system, although for a while I did not know that. I didn’t get a “Letter of Congratulations” or anything. Additionally, you have to be careful for what you ask for because you just might get it. I was fine for a couple of years until I pissed off a field supervisor. And then the war began, but I will save those adventures for another time. I still could not articulate the displacement that had occurred. The fact that the code is written for PERSONS conducting in certain regulated activities and by my volunteering into that system I and my activities were now displaced.

Then came the crash of 2008, and I spent that year and a number of others in the trenches. It wasn’t until 2013 that I actually started to get a handle on what was going on. The loss of my home as a result of divorce more than foreclosure taught me a lot about displacement. Having 3 homes on one lot meant that my property was also my business. I kept rents reasonable but lived rent free so to speak. So when my ex secretly stopped paying the mortgage and I received a late Notice of Default I thought I was going to die. Looking back the worst part is I lost 5 precious years battling to save our home and business that I could have spent with my children. That' is 5 years I can never get back with them. My son came home from school, only to discover his family was moved off the street. Police wouldn’t even let me wait on the street for him to come home. I was escorted out by a deputy who threatened to pull his gun out saying: “I have judges breathing down my neck to get you out today!” Again, being able to articulate what was wrong with that deputy’s statement doesn’t always come to those of us that are untrained in law. The fact that that deputy knew there was a conspiracy to deprive me of my property meant that he owed me an extra duty of protection. My story is not out of the ordinary, I have seen so many atrocities as a result of the 2008 crash, the displacement of millions of people and pets, lives that have been ruined, all at the taxpayers’ expense. No one has gone to jail as a result, it is sickening. Again, we go back to what I explained above, the creditor can do almost anything in their power to take what they say they are owed and there is a small civilian army to help them.

It wasn’t until 2017 when I noticed that the passport office had closed up its loophole forcing people to give up their social security number on the DS-11, that’s when the displacement really hit me. This is now beyond consenting, beyond voluntarism we are being forced into “their” layer of PERSON. The REAL ID act is designed to further force us into the office of PERSON and to the residency layer of “in this state” all to deny us our natural rights. Have no doubt that debtors prison exists - if the creditor says that you owe taxes or child support, whether you do or don’t you will not be allowed to travel, period. Both State licenses and passports are being held ransom and that’s okay because if we have the numbers then we don’t need those ties to the system. They only cause us to be displaced from our true status.

In a traditional sense internal displacement is caused by violent conflicts, systematic violations of human rights and other traumas and it is truly a global crisis, affecting everyone. Here in the United States of America legal abuse syndrome is common to anyone fighting for their home. While displacement through loss of home is overt the displacement that occurs as a result of having “corporate governmental services” is not. The removal of children from their parents as being effected by the school system is invisible. The overuse of vaccines are also an invisible displacement as are smart meters and 5G because every cell of our body was on a path and now that path is being displaced. It is simple physics everything in motion, people are bodies in motion. We are each on a different path and we are constantly being herded, distracted and diverted from our paths. The two major control systems are church and state. We are herded between the pillar of the priest, with tithing and religion and the post of the king with taxes and laws to stop us from exploring what might lie beyond those two control mechanisms. I am not going to pretend to have an answer but I am excited to explore beyond those two realms.

I formulated the idea of Internally Displaced People in order to provide solutions, as a result of not being web savvy and after two years of having little control over the original website I have pulled my thumb out and set up this new site to start providing what I would call bridge solutions for internally displaced people. To this end idpsolutions.org is committed to helping people exit the control mechanisms known as “in this state”, which for the present includes exiting US citizenship and state residency. While it is that I believe these same ideas could be used in any state or country, after all those geographical designations in their political form are merely mental constructs, I incidentally live in California, so much of my research relates to that State.

Thank you all, for your support :)